Cornerstone Goes Social!
Cornerstone Architectural Group has launched a social media campaign through the use of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. By integrating these tools with our existing blog and web page we are better able to stay connected with our clients, colleagues, friends and business partners. Through social media we hope to strengthen our existing relationships, and build new ones, by sharing our thoughts and ideas with you. Our tweets and posts are not just about architecture and our current projects, but also about issues affecting our business and yours, and general topics that we think you will find interesting. So if you are not already "connected," "following" or "liking" us, please click on the links in our newsletter, (below). We look forward to continuing the conversation!
Please click on the following link to read our Spring 2011 Newsletter
At the 2011
Forks Township Pennsylvania’s Planning Commission reorganizational meeting, Cornerstone’s very own Vito Tamborrino, Jr., AIA was unanimously voted and named Chairman of the Commission. Vito had been the acting Chairman for the past 5 months, as well as previously having been the Chairman from 2003–2006. He has been an active member of the Commission since 1997 and has been involved in two major Zoning Ordinance revisions, two Comprehensive Plans, the development of the new Township municipal building complex, a Township wide recreational path web that connects all major areas of the Township, and the development of one of the area’s first Solar Ordinances. He is currently working with the Commission and the Township on its third Zoning Ordinance revision, as well as the planning of a new 50 acre park. CAG is very proud of our team’s efforts to improve our communities and make them more “livable”. Good Luck Vito!

This year will mark an important milestone for Cornerstone Architectural Group’s TEAM TAMBO National Multiple Sclerosis Bike Team. As the team enters its 16th year of riding in the “Great New Jersey Country Bike MS Ride” to benefit those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, it hopes to surpass a total of $100,000 raised for this important charity. To do so, we are looking for riders of all ages and experience to ride with us this September (24th and 25th) to help in this effort. Don’t worry if you’re not an experienced rider. As long as you have the drive to help us meet our goal this year, there is a ride for you. Each year Bob Longo and Vito Tamborrino ride the two day 100 mile option, but there are numerous rides for all. MS has a 20 mile and 50 mile one day option on Saturday, September 24th. They have a 50 mile option on Sunday, September 25th. . . , and for those “super riders” you can do both days with Bob and Vito and add some extra miles with the inclusion of each day’s “Power Loops.” The event starts in Morristown, NJ on Saturday and passes through historic towns, farmlands and back roads of New Jersey. There are fully stocked rest areas along the route every 10-15 miles, as well as a lunch break. The routes are monitored for safety by volunteer EMT’s, HAM radio operators and the Wayne Police Department. There will also be bicycle repair shop volunteers along the route and at the stops, just in case of any mechanical problems. Saturday finishes at the Parsippany Hilton where everyone is treated to a BBQ dinner, music, and a comedy show. If you are staying to ride the next day, your overnight accommodations will be at the Hilton. If not, they will have buses available to take you back to Morristown to your car, and all arranged by the great people of the MS Society. In the morning a great breakfast is provided and everyone is back to Morristown for the finish, more food and celebration of a great feeling of accomplishment. We really hope you will join us this year at this wonderful event. If you would like more information, please see the NJ Metro Chapter Website, or contact Bob Longo or Vito Tamborrino at Cornerstone. If you register at the website, just make sure you click the “Join a Team” tab and select TEAM TAMBO as your preferred team and you will automatically be included with us. Hope to see you in September !